Good Grief is a dramedy short film inspired by my own personal grief story and focuses on Amber, a young woman going through the grief of loosing her father. I experienced this first hand when my father passed away in 2021. I suddenly found myself thrust into a world of grief I was not prepared for. I found myself even more isolated while in the middle of an already isolating pandemic. Because I was only 33, none of my friends had lost a close loved one and could not even begin to understand how I felt. Instead they would either avoid talking to me or attempt to find a silver lining by saying things like “well at least it was good timing.” Often words meant to cheer me up only hurt, as it's never good timing to loose a loved one.
Suddenly I realized I was living in a world that TV shows and movies portrayed so inaccurately. Thanks to us living in a society that doesn’t want to talk about death, we are so uncomfortable with confronting it. If we do see grief on the big screen, we usually see it depicted from the male's prospective of loosing a parent or partner, or if it is a woman she's a mother who's lost a child. Very rarely do we see stories of grief that depict a young single woman navigating the world of grief alone.
After a suggestion from a friend, I turned to a virtual grief group and suddenly found myself surrounded by other people who could understand. People who wouldn’t try to cheer me up. People who wouldn’t judge me or my grief. People who would quietly listen and be willing to sit in that uncomfortable truth with me.
It was there that I learned that grief is just love with no place to go, and thus I felt inspired to make a film that explores themes of grief while also having a sense of humor. I wanted to show what grief through the eyes of a young woman looks like and help change the stigma of grief as it's displayed in film.
ASH BLODGETT - Writer/Director/Executive Producer/Editor